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Enjoy better hearing with Audika

Treating hearing loss early, before or in mid-life, is one of 12 modifiable risk factors for dementia as recognised by a landmark 2020 study in The Lancet.2 Over 250,000 Australians have entrusted their hearing health to our expert team.

Our clinicians deliver personalised hearing solutions because every ear is unique, and they make the time to understand you and your needs. Book a FREE* hearing check at one of our 300+ hearing clinics across Australia TODAY.

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What to expect at a full hearing test

Our short video will provide you with what you can expect at a full hearing test appointment with an Audika clinician.

We have three types of tests in our clinics, these are:

  • an AMTAS - computer test using specific hearing software (15 mins),
  • a Screening test with a Clinician (30 mins) and
  • a full test with a Clinician (60 mins).

We will determine the most suitable hearing test check for your needs by answering a few simple questions before confirming your booking.

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What happens after a full hearing test?

Same-day results from your hearing test will be shared with you and recorded on an audiogram. The hearing test results will inform us if you have a measurable hearing loss or not. Based on the hearing test, your clinician will provide recommendations on next steps and what hearing care solutions might be suitable for you. 

If no hearing loss is detected

Your clinician will advise you on healthy hearing practices and how to help protect your hearing through the years. If you are over 65, you will be recommended to make a hearing test part of your annual health check, much like dental checks. 

If hearing loss is detected

Your clinician will provide assistance in choosing the best hearing  solution for you, including hearing aids where indicated. Once you've made your selection, you could be wearing your new hearing aids in less than a week (custom hearing aids can take 2-3 weeks).

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^ Fee-free, interest-free payment plans, 60-day change of mind return period, and for all Oticon, Sonic and Bernafon hearing aids a 12-month hearing aid loss and damage cover and 4-year hearing aid warranty all form part of the Audika Advantage. Click here for Audika Advantage terms and conditions.

G Livingston, Jonathan Huntley, Andrew Sommerlad, et al. Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission. The Lancet. July 30, 2020.