Image show three people with facemask talking

Your hearing and safety are our top priorities

Our team members are trained to provide you with a safe and comfortable visit. Read more about safety in our clinics below.

Our clinics are open and ready to help you

In order to continue to provide our clients with high-quality hearing care, we are taking the following safety measures to ensure that you have a comfortable visit. 

Icon show safety clipboard
All guidelines provided by the Australian Government are being followed
Icon show phone
Phone screening for Covid-19 symptoms is carried out for all appointments
Icon show two person with safety distance
A limited number of clients are allowed in the clinic
Icon show safety gloves
Team members and clients sanitise their hands when clients enter and leave the clinic
Icon show safety spray
Medical equipment and common areas are cleaned and sanitised between appointments
blue green mask icon
Protective gear is worn by our hearing care experts

Our clinics are open and here to help in every way

If you want to visit your local clinic please contact us beforehand to make an appointment so that we can ensure your needs are safely met.  

Book FREE* hearing check 

Audika is here to support your needs

As a hearing health care provider, your health and safety is at the heart of what we do. To keep our team and clients safe we will continue to maintain strict hygiene standards and social distancing measures. We are monitoring the situation daily in line with advice from the Australian Government.


Convenient support from the comfort of your home

We are currently offering the following services
- all of which can be accessed from the comfort of your home: 
Image show hands change battery in a hearing aid
Self-guided hearing health downloads and videos
See our downloads and videos for hearing health guidance
Hearing aid maintenance
two audika hearing aid battery packs
Order hearing aid batteries and domes online
You can order batteries and domes quick and easy
Order online
Image shows lady sitting on the sofa with tablet
Phone support and online chat support
Contact customer service and support
Customer service