image shows grandfather and grandson happy

Living happy with hearing aids

Contributed by Audika

8/02/2023 • 2 min to read

Is your hearing not quite what it used to be?

For a number of seniors, getting older can bring with it various challenges, including changes to your hearing.

The prevalence of hearing loss in Australia was estimated to be 3.95 million people in 2019-20. This represents 15.3% of the total Australian population.1

Fortunately, there are many solutions available for those with a hearing loss. But, how may a hearing aid help you live happier?

Enjoy richer interactions with friends and family

With hearing loss, you don't only lose sounds such as birds chirping and the whistle of a kettle, it may also become more difficult to hold a clear conversation. This may be especially apparent when you are in a busy or noisy environment, such as a restaurant or party.

By using hearing aids, you may experience improved sound quality and clarity, enabling you to hold meaningful conversations with your loved ones. As a matter of fact, a survey conducted by Audika in 2019 to over 700 of their clients, found that after treating their hearing loss 70% feel happier and 90% find it easier to follow conversations. The respondents had been regularly wearing their hearing aids for at least 2 years.3

Enjoy your nights out again

As mentioned earlier, hearing loss may make it difficult to participate in conversations, particularly in social situations such as dining out, going to a local event, festival or watching a film at the cinema.

With a hearing solution from Audika, you may look forward to enjoying your favourite cultural and social outings again. Referring back to the Audika survey, 77% of people said they found it easier to socialise again since treating their hearing loss.3

If you would like to check your hearing, click here or call 1800 340 631 to request an appointment with your local Audika clinic.

Request an apppointment


1 HCIA, Hearing for Life - The value of hearing services for vulnerable Australians, March 2020

2 Conditions apply to clients under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program

3 Feelings about Hearing Treatment, Audika Client Survey, May 2019. 742 respondents had been regularly wearing their hearing aids for at least 2 years.